How much is a Sno-Park permit?
Between November 1st and April 30th cars parked in designated “winter recreation parking areas” are required to have a sno-park permit visible in the windshield. There are 22 locations within the Mt Hood National Forest that require a Sno-Park Permit. Some popular locations include, all the ski resorts, the town of Government Camp, Trillium Lake, White River, Frog Lake, and Skyline Road.
Oregon sno-park programs are funded entirely by these permits.
At Whispering Woods Resort we sell the 1-day passes for $4.50, where as the 3 consecutive day passes are sold for $9.50 (2015-16). Prices may vary depending on where these permits are sold. California and Idaho snow park permits are honored at Oregon Sno-Park locations.
Posted in: Winter and Snow Sports